Tuesday, April 14, 2009


I have babies... seedlings, that is, no more of the human kind for us, thank you very much, we are quite full up on those.

I am on my way to growing my own medicinal herbs. Both my calendula and my chickweed seeds from my medicinal gardening class on Saturday have already sprouted. I have had them on a heating pad in their little container and today I took them out to enjoy the first sun since Saturday and they quite happily sprouted while there. Here they are:

The calendula babies

The chickweed babies (sorry it's blurry... they're really tiny)

Outside for the day

Inside on the heating pad.

Go, guys, go. We are taking advantage of the nice weather to get the planting boxes together tonight. So ready for nice weather, I cannot even tell you.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yay!!! So happy they're popping up so soon! Youmust be givin them lots of good lovins! Awesome blog, by the way!